Study Groups

A professional development opportunity in Reggio Emilia or online in dialogue with teachers, pedagogistas and atelieristas who work every day in Reggio Emilia's Municipal Infant-toddler Centers and Preschools.

Study Groups are the most effective way to learn and explore the experience and values of the Reggio Emilia Approach®.

Types of Study Group


At Reggio Emilia's Loris Malaguzzi International Centre


The Reggio Emilia Approach directly into your own home


Study Groups organised with our International Network and other partners


2024/2025 Study Group

Are you looking for more opportunities to participate in a Study Group?  The 2024/2025 calendar will be available on 5 September.

Other opportunities for professional learning

On-demand webinars
A collection of recorded webinars to wartch at home and keep for 6 months after purchase
Digital toolbox
4 videos and 2 e-books to discover what happens behind the scenes in the educational experience of Reggio Emilia's infant-toddler centres and preschools

Reggio Emilia Approach

The Reggio Emilia Approach® is an educational philosophy based on the image of a child with strong potentialities for development and a subject with rights, who learns through the hundred languages belonging to all human beings, and grows in relations with others.

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