
Coriandoli series

A series created with the aim of disseminating and fostering the “micro-publishing” 

of the infant-toddler centres and preschools of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia.
It is a lively and varied multitude of books, booklets and publications with a common identity in that they are designed and put together directly in schools and centres by teachers, atelieristas and pedagogistas. They represent journeys of research selecting and interpreting the words and strategies in children’s thinking.
The protagonists are always the children, their voices, their thoughts, their theories.

The strength of narrative lies in a constant search for new ways of finding a balance between contents and ways of expressing and communicating them.
The Coriandoli series aims to give greater value to this special “publishing legacy” and promote its wider diffusion and production.
The series is conceived in non-standard formats seamless with the character of
the original publications and preserving as far as possible their hand crafted features.