Outside, school

Preschools and infant-toddler centres are extending possibilities of experience and learning through interweaving indoors and outdoors and from 14 - 30 June will be opening their parks and gardens to parents. This is an opportunity to talk about and show people the culture of children and initiate dialogue with the city on the importance of having collective places where we can "correspond" to the right to education from birth.

Outside! Because

every infant-toddler centre and preschool is part of its surrounding territorio or local area.

That's why each centre and school has its own distinct qualities - natural and social - and its own fauna and flora.

This identity must be given value and potential, as an important legacy of both children and city.


Outside! Because

these are spaces and environments that promote possibilities and offer contexts for exploration and knowledge where the whole of our body enters a state of empathy with the garden. Encountering "risk" gives us new knowledge, new opportunities, and an awareness of the deep inter-dependence between humanity and nature.


Outside! Because

during this year of the pandemic all of us have observed the outdoors more carefully.

Learning opportunities and contexts - re-imagined to welcome all our children - have become more visible.

Living beings that inhabit the gardens have become daily travelling companions, extending our opportunities for learning and knowledge.


Outside! Because

as this school year closes we will be out in our school parks and gardens telling the stories of discoveries and interactions generated in and together with the natural environment, which is ever-changing and always oriented towards surprise.


Outside! Because

our school gardens are beautiful metaphors for the right to education which this year has been marked by the health crisis.

We believe this kind of attention must continue to be central in our public policies and politics, investing culturally, economically, and through projects, in this idea of outdoors as inclusion and solidarity.


Follow the project Outside, school on Loris Malaguzzi International Centre  Facebook page.

From 18 June to 19 July we're posting new pictures of the diffused exhibition in infant-toddler centre and preschool gardens.



View the map of places included in the diffused exhibition


Reggio Emilia Approach

The Reggio Emilia Approach® is an educational philosophy based on the image of a child with strong potentialities for development and a subject with rights, who learns through the hundred languages belonging to all human beings, and grows in relations with others.

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