Participating in the construction of learning

Transformative dialogue between children, adults, and environments.



This webinar presents the SERIES OF WEBINARS ON DESIGN / PROGETTAZIONE: Design / progettazione in infant-toddler centres and preschools. Strategies for participating with children in the construction of knowledge

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In this presentation webinar of the professional learning series, we share ideas that can guide a different way of being a preschool, infant-toddler centre, teacher, parent and child.

This session is dedicated to the theme of progettazione / designing, as choosing an idea of knowledge that commits adults to research together with children, and to welcoming curiosity, wonder, and the unexpected as constituent parts of their work.



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Reggio Emilia Approach

Il Reggio Emilia Approach® è una filosofia educativa fondata sull’immagine di un bambino con forti potenzialità di sviluppo e soggetto di diritti, che apprende attraverso i cento linguaggi appartenenti a tutti gli esseri umani e che cresce nella relazione con gli altri.

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