Blacks and whites. The many colors

Blacks and whites. The many colors


Black is made of all colours
Federica, 2 years 8 months


White and black are considered to be non-colours in our culture. But in fact white and black are rich in tones and shades, not two opposite colours but connected with each other by subtle tones of colour.

This atelier invites you to see what we sometimes don't see, and to think by looking for connections rather than posing things against each other. You will be able to try out encounters between tools and materials that generate many diverse shades of black white and grey.




Reggio Emilia Approach

Il Reggio Emilia Approach® è una filosofia educativa fondata sull’immagine di un bambino con forti potenzialità di sviluppo e soggetto di diritti, che apprende attraverso i cento linguaggi appartenenti a tutti gli esseri umani e che cresce nella relazione con gli altri.

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